Wireless Traffic Management

ECsystem trafic managementEC SYSTEM wireless solution for CCTV real-time video surveillance can also be deployed in many other applications such as road traffic management, traffic light monitoring, highway safety, number plate recognition.

Wireless EC SYSTEM point to point and point to multipoint allow reliable connectivity and real-time data including video transmition for public safety agencies such as the police departments, supporting fully control of their network connectivity whiles reducing operational costs by replacing leased lines with wireless links. 

EC SYSTEM wireless system is able to provide constantly high-capacity and high-reliable data streaming  from video surveillance cameras 


  • Wireless CCTV networks and Public Safety Video Surveillance 
  • Wireless CCTV connection for CCTV cameras, speed radars, etc.
  • Traffic light monitoring,
  • Highway safety,
  • Road traffic management. 


  • High capacity for multiple data transmission
  • Reliable Real time video transmission
  • High reliability

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